The cardiovascular system includes the circulatory and lymphatic systems. The circulatory system includes the heart muscle and blood vessels in which blood circulates throughout the body. Lymphatic system – lymphatic vessels, ducts, trunks and capillaries through which another body fluid, lymph flows.

The cardiovascular system midline organ is the heart, which is divided lengthwise into two halves. Each half, in turn, is also divided into two parts – the atrium and ventricle, between which there is an opening with valves, providing only unidirectional blood flow.

Atria collect blood entering the myocardium and push it into the ventricles, from which blood is pushed into the arteries and spreads throughout the body.
Blood vessels form two circulations – small and large. In a small circulation, which consists of the pulmonary vessels, gas exchange is carried out. Carbon dioxide enters the lungs from the blood, and oxygen – from the lungs to the blood.
A large circulation covers the whole body and takes an active part in metabolic processes.

If earlier heart diseases were diagnosed in elderly people, now they are more often diagnosed in young people. Therefore, the prevention of cardiovascular diseases takes a leading place.


The most common pathologies of the cardiovascular system are:
Coronary heart disease (CHD) – includes several diseases, the course of which is characterized by the myocardial perfusion disturbance as a result of coronary arteries damage.
Myocardial infarction – one of the CHD forms. It arises as a result of the cardiac muscle part death as a result of its perfusion insufficiency. The main symptom of this pathology is a sharp severe pain behind the sternum, cough and shortbreathing. The precipitating factors are hypertensic crisis, stress, physical and psycho-emotional overexertion.

Arterial sclerosis – a pathology in which the deposition of cholesterol and fat-containing proteins occurs on the inner coats of blood vessels. As the disease progresses, a sclerosis begins and atherosclerotic plaques that close the vessel lumen and prevent normal blood flow arise, which leads to chronic insufficiency of blood supply to tissues and organs.

Arterial hypertension (hypertonia) – an elevated blood pressure. The norm is considered pressure of 120/80 mm Hg. If its indicators exceed 140/90 mm Hg, then the pressure is considered elevated.

Arterial hypotension (hypotonia) – decreased pressure, below 90/60 mm Hg. Unlike hypertensive patients, people with low blood pressure do not have the same risk of developing a heart attack or a stroke as, for example, hypertensive ones. But this affects the quality of life – they constantly experience weakness, headaches.
Timely monitoring of the cardiovascular organs will avoid serious complications, including a stroke. Markers of their condition are: shortbreathing during physical exertion and at rest, unreasonable weakness, rough breathing, especially at night, swelling of legs, dry cough, cardiac arrhythmia, pain in the heart region of varying intensity, felt in the liver or back.

A preventive examination should be carried out once a year.
In the CALENDULA clinic, in addition to consulting a cardiologist and treatment, it is possible to do all the necessary examinations:

  • • ECG
  • • echocardiography
  • • loading test
  • • holter monitoring
  • • blood pressure monitoring
  • • ultrasound investigation of veins and arteries of the lower extremities
  • • ultrasound investigation of the thyroid gland.
  • The treatment of cardiovascular organs in our clinic is aimed at normalizing blood flow, improving rheological properties of blood, strengthening cardiac muscle and vascular walls, identifying and eliminating the causes of elevated blood pressure, preventing the atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke. We also assist in recovery after cardiac surgery.

    Recommendations: “Healing program”, which includes Ayurvedic therapies and necessary medications. All the necessary procedures and examinations are prescribed by the doctor individually.

    From 1 June our panchakarma programme is available from 230€/day.

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