Complex tests

In order to get a comprehensive image on the patient’s condition, we ensure such conditions, which enable to perform the examinations without interrupting the prescribed therapies.

The preliminary consultation with our doctors, including assessment, examination, diagnostic tools and Ayurveda, as well as traditional Chinese and Western medicine, takes about 30-40 minutes. Then the patients are seen daily by a physician to monitor their current condition and make timely adjustments to any prescribed therapies depending on the progress.

The Ayurvedic and general medical consultation includes an assessment of the patient as follows:
• actual complaints
• medical history, surgeries, serious infectious - diseases and other illnesses
• social history, including living conditions, family environment
• family history
• diseases caused by occupational harms
• use of psychoactive substances, use of pharmacological drugs, intolerance to drugs and other allergic reactions.

Ayurvedic examination
1. Determination of Prakriti (general features of the body structure) 2. Determination of Vikriti (actual condition, dosha imbalance) 3. Vicar diagnosis from Ayurvedic perspective

An Ayurvedic doctor diagnoses any of the stages of the disease using the “method of 5 mirrors”:
• pulse diagnosis
• tongue examination
• examination of the auricles
• eye diagnosis
• skin examination

Ayurvedic diagnostic procedure includes 8 types of data (Ashtavidya pariksha), based on which the cause of the disease is determined:

• Nadi pariksha – pulse
• Jihva pariksha – tongue
• Drik pariksha – eyes
• Moutra pariksha – urine
• Mala pariksha – stool
• Shabda pariksha – voice and other noises
• Sparsha pariksha – examination by touch
• Akriti pariksha – general impression

Medical diagnosis
At the clinic, in addition to Ayurvedic and traditional medical diagnosis, the following may take place (in certain cases necessary, in other cases on the patient’s request):

1. Cardiological examinations:
stress test
holter monitoring
blood pressure test

2. Radiological examinations:
abdominal ultrasound
chest and soft tissue ultrasound
thyroid ultrasound
lower limb venous and arterial ultrasound

3. Laboratory tests: more than 250 markers can be checked on site – the clinic works with one of the best laboratories in Budapest (results are available on the day of blood and urine sampling)..

4. If necessary, we organise consultations and examinations with specialists in different cities of Hungary: surgical examinations, X-rays, MRI, dental services, etc.

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