According to the WHO, respiratory diseases are the diseases that affect the respiratory tract, including the nasal passages, bronchi and lungs. They range from acute infections such as pneumonia and bronchitis to chronic conditions such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Infectious diseases are caused by causative agents such as bacteria, viruses or protozoa. Most types of microorganisms and dust are retained by the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, neutralized and removed from them along with mucus. However, some microorganisms that enter the respiratory system can cause flu, tuberculosis, strep throat, diphtheria, and other diseases.


There are airborne and drop-dustborne infections: airborne infections are transmitted in case of direct contact with a sick person (when coughing, sneezing or talking); drop-dustborne – in case of contact with objects used by the patient.

Influenza and ARVI (acute respiratory viral infections) are caused by viruses and are transmitted by airborne transmission (a household way of transmitting influenza is also possible, for example, through household articles). Influenza viruses are maintained in mucus secreted from the nose of sick people, in their split and saliva. When sick people sneeze and cough, millions of invisible droplets containing viruses are discharged into the air.


What you need to know about the influenza?
The disease development begins abruptly, the period beginning from infection to the onset of clinical symptoms takes from several hours to two days. The body temperature of the infected person rises rapidly to 39-40 °C, he feels cold fit, as well as body pain and weakness in the body, and headache, cough and runny nose appear.


Influenza is dangerous due to complications associated with imbalance of internal organs functioning – lungs, bronchi, heart, as well as the development of rheumatic diseases. In order to prevent the ingress of infection with viruses: causing influenza and ARVI, great attention should be paid to prevention and promotion of immunity. Ayurvedic therapies in this case play a large role, since they allow eliminating excess mucus, as well as the viruses living in it (one of the stages of Panchakarma – Vamana, aimed at cleansing the bronchopulmonary system and sinuses), activate the natural protective mechanisms, and strengthen tissue in the body.

There are a number of Ayurvedic herbal formulations: immune protectors for prevention, as well as rescue medications – to relief the course of disease and accelerate recovery, you can find it here.

Bronchial asthma is a lung disease in which the muscles entering the walls of bronchi contract and asthma attack occurs. The causes of asthma are allergic reactions to household dust, animal dander, plant pollen, etc.

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