Aim of the therapy:

Children’s program to prevent colds and viral diseases

Reducing the risk of respiratory and bronchopulmonary viral infections during an epidemic, strengthening the immune system, speeding up the recovery process and eliminating the factors that trigger allergies.

THE program includes:

Regular medical supervision;

The Ayurvedic therapy with the duration of 60 minutes (special massages and oil bath treatment)

1×30 mins Pranajama (breathing exercises)

45 minutes of therapeutic exercises focused on the back bone zone (the exercises are aimed to invigorate muscular system and joints)

1 yoga session or Tai Chi classes in the morning

Ayurvedic phytoproducts for joints, muscular and osseous tissues invigoration (if it is necessary);

3-time meals (FB feeding concept) – vegetarian dishes.

*Accompanying an adult is required.
** We offer a special diet for children, with foods chosen according to children’s tastes. If necessary, the 4th meal is possible.

Complementary therapies, based on doctor’s prescription:

  • medicines prescribed at the end of the programme to continue the treatment at home
  • services of external specialists
  • ultrasound, ECG, laboratory tests
  • medicines (other than those produced by Calendula Pharma).

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