What does the therapy consist of?
It is a fully personalised, complex therapy, which is necessary because the treatment is not focused on one problem but aims to eliminate the cause of the complaint. Except, for example, rehabilitation of traumatic injury.
Treatment steps may be based on a medical prescription:
1. restoration of static conditions:
reflex therapy, acupuncture, metameric therapy, post-isometric relaxation (PIR), physiotherapy, physiotherapy, manual therapy, massage.
2. elimination of inflammation:
anti-inflammatory injections, blockade, plasma therapy, compresses, wraps, etc.
3. regeneration of the damaged organ:
physiotherapy, collagen injections, metameric therapy, hyaluronic acid injections, compresses, active and passive movements and strengthening, special massage, duolith treatment, wave therapy, regenerative agents, balneotherapy if necessary.
Adaptation treatment: restoration of age-appropriate quality of life.
Normalisation of digestion, adjustment and teaching of diet, adjustment and teaching of special physiotherapy, general strengthening of the body.
One therapy can involve all the treatment modalities!