Postisometric Relaxation (PIR) – is one of the safest methods of manual therapy. Its essence is to return physiological mobility of the joint or spasmodic muscles through limited tension and subsequent relaxation. Medical indications for PIR: • muscular-trophic and...
Metameric therapy is a method of exposure by injection of medical preparation to metamers (segments of the body located sequentially along the longitudinal axis). The injected substance has a direct effect on the nerve cells and reaches neuronal structures....
Kinesiotherapy is one of the most effective methods of the rehabilitation of the musculoskeletal system, aimed at developing and increasing the tone of the protractors. In practice, the essence of the method is to perform physical exercises on special...
Salt therapy, or halotherapy, is one of the most effective and affordable methods of treating respiratory diseases. Natural dry salt therapy has a positive physiological and therapeutic effect on the respiratory system and the body as a whole. ...
Acupuncture (needle therapy, or zhen-jiu) is one of the oldest forms of treatment, based on the concepts of the traditional Chinese medicine about the life force (Qi). According to Chinese philosophy, diseases arise due to a violation of the...
Therapeutic blocks are an injection method for pain relief, as well as other painful manifestations of neuralgic disorders. The analgesic effect is short-lived, but overall well-being improves for a long time by eliminating muscle spasm and accompanying symptoms. Blocks...
Shockwave therapy (SWT) – is a focused exposure of a shock wave directed to the deep layers of tissues, which allows you to act on a tender point, as well as restore the natural metabolism and activate the processes...
Collagen injections for joints – are an administration of hyaluronic acid directly into the joint that allows you to make up for the deficiency of synovial fluid and to restore damaged tissue; it eliminates inflammation and prevents the destruction...
Plasma Therapy (Patelet Rich Plasma, PRP) is a new regenerative medicine, which is the injection of the patient’s platelet rich plasma. Platelets are blood corpuscles (small blood plates), that are responsible for its coagulability. They participate in the process...